Friday, June 13, 2025
10:00 a.m. Check-in and lunch, Centura Hills Golf Club
11:00 a.m. Shotgun Start
5:00 p.m. Steak Dinner and prizes
Teams: 4 person teams (men, women, mixed)
Format: 18-Hole Texas Scramble(women’s flight if there are 5 or more female teams)
Prizes: Team, Flag, Auction & Raffle prizes awarded!
Trophy will be awarded to the team with the lowest score in the first flight.
Birdie Sponsor - $885 (Hole Sponsorship & Foursome) - BEST DEAL!
(everyone on the team gets two mulligans/par 3 contest/putt for cash, lunch and a steak dinner)
Foursome - $700 ($640 early registration discount if rec’d by June 1st)*
(everyone on the team gets two mulligans/par 3 contest/putt for cash, lunch and a steak dinner)
Single registration - $175 ($160early registration discount if rec’d by June 1st)*
(includes two mulligans/par 3 contest/putt for cash, lunch, and a steak dinner)
Hole Sponsorship Only - $400
(signage at hole, listed in event program, at clubhouse, and on social media)
Thank you to our sponsors!
Golf Title Sponsor